Design & Authoring for Interactive Media
Fashion Institute of Technology
Computer Graphics Department
Instructor: Teresa Lamb
Email: teresa_lamb [at]
Class Time: Wednesdays 6:30 - 9:30pm
Class Schedule — Spring 2017
Week 1 - Feb 1
In Class
Course Intro
- Introductions
- Review Syllabus
Intro to Web
- Informal Quiz
- Set up Github account. Make a new repository named CG221.
- Set up Github page for CG221
- Get familiar with Atom
For Next Class
Create your new website. You will use this site to post links to your homework assignments.
- Add index.html page to CG221 repo. This will be the code for your website.
- Use this template to structure your website.
- Add link to My Favorite Internet entry.
My Favorite Internet 1
Codecademy lesson on HTML & CSS
Week 2 - Feb 8
In Class
Intro to CSS
- Adding images
- CSS Guide
- Add CSS to your website using link tag.
- CSS Reference
Share MFI
For Next Class
Make a bio page for yourself.
- Include at least one image, a paragraph about yourself, and add CSS to express your personal style.
- Make sure you put this project in a separate folder on Github with its own CSS.
- Have fun, and be prepared to share next week!
Read Ch 1 & 2 of Don't Make Me Think
My Favorite Internet 2
Continue Codecademy lesson on HTML & CSS
Week 3 - Feb 15
In Class
Designing with CSS - Slides
- Developer Tools
- Typography and Custom Fonts
- Color Theory
- Hierarchy
- Grids
Share Bio pages and MFI
Discuss Reading
For Next Class
Make a Gallery (part 1)
Your page should include:
- Heading / page title
- Text in the form of image labels and/or an intro paragraph describing the images
- Grid of 8 - 12 images (review grid examples from class)
Your page should be designed:
- Use a custom font
- Have a custom color scheme
Read Ch 3 of Don't Make Me Think
My Favorite Internet 3. (This week it may be helpful to pick gallery or grid websites.)
Week 4 - Feb 22
In Class
Intro to Web Accessibility and Responsive Design
Name Quiz
For Next Class
Make a Gallery (part 2)
Your page should include:
- Heading / page title
- Text in the form of image labels and/or an intro paragraph describing the images
- Grid of 8 - 12 images (review grid examples from class)
Your page should be designed:
- Use a custom font
- Have a custom color scheme
Your page should be accessible:
- Descriptive alt text for each image tag
- Semantic HTML tags
- If you have links, they should look clickable (use :hover)
Your page should be responsive:
- Include the viewport meta tag in the head of your html
- Your layout should change to fit the size of the browser
Read Ch 1 of Designing for Emotion
My Favorite Internet 4
Week 5 - March 1
In Class
CSS Graphics - Slides
- image file formats
- editing images in CSS
- creating graphics in CSS
- CSS animations
Share and critique gallery projects
For Next Class
Make an interactive collage with CSS
- At least 5 elements (pictures, shapes, text)
- At least 2 animations or transitions
- You can try to convey an emotion, reimagine your gallery from last week, or design something completely unique. Have fun with it.
My Favorite Internet 5
Complete Codecademy lesson on HTML & CSS
Read through an HTML & CSS guide from the Resources page.
Week 6 - March 8
In Class
HTML & CSS Review - Slides
Overview Midterm Project
For Next Class
Begin Midterm Project
Make a website for a cause that you care about. You should have a main homepage, an about page, and a contact page with a contact form. Your site should include copy about the cause including why you chose it, and at least 2 statistics displayed in a unique and interesting way. You will be graded on design so think about font choices, color schemes, imagery, and layout. Your site should be accessible and responsive.
Page 1 - Home
- Description of the cause and related images
- At least 2 statistics displayed in a unique and interesting way
Page 2 - About
- A more in-depth description of the cause. Write about why this cause matters to you, how you discovered the issue, and additional research and resources. At least 2 paragraphs of text.
- At least 1 photo related to the cause. Not the same as the homepage.
- Links to the sources where you found your research and statistics.
Page 3 - Contact
- Encourage people to take an action. Either send a message, join an email list, or donate money. For this you will need to make a form, but it will be non-funcitonal. Your form shoud have multiple inputs and a button to submit.
For this week
- Pick a cause you care about, and give your site a name
- Research your cause
- Find images related to your cause
- Create the structure (HTML) of your website, with some CSS. Plan to polish off the design later.
My Favorite Internet 6 (You can pick websites you find while researching your cause)
Read Ch 2 of Designing for Emotion. (This will help you with your midterm.)
Week 7 - March 15
In Class
Class Cancelled. Please post your homework to your website.
For Next Class
Continue working on Midterm Project
Refer to project description in week 6.
For this week
- Choose the statistics you would like to display on your homepage. Sketch some ways you would like to display them. Consider typography, images, and the CSS Graphics slides for ideas.
- Create your form. Focus on what information you need and the correct form of inputs (textbox, checkbox, radio buttons). Refer to Interneting is hard, W3C, and Shay Howe's HTML & CSS guide.
- Write copy for your about page. Write in word or Google Docs first, then copy it into HTML to avoid typos. Site your research sources.
- Begin designing your page by choosing fonts and colors. Make sure you have consistency across pages. Make a new CSS file for this site (not the same as your homework website). All three pages should share this one CSS file.
My Favorite Internet 7
Week 8 - March 22
In Class
HTML Forms - Slides
One-on-one meetings before midterms are due
For Next Class
Work on Midterm
You are not required to turn in a MFI this week. If you do decide to turn one in, it will replace a late or missing MFI grade. You should have 7 total.
Week 9 - March 29
In Class
Midterm Projects Due - 5 minute presentations
For Next Class
You are not required to turn in a MFI this week. If you do decide to turn one in, it will replace a late or missing MFI grade. You should have 7 total.
Week 10 - April 5
In Class
Intro to JavaScript and JQueryFor Next Class
Make an interactive collage with CSS
- At least 5 elements (pictures, shapes, text)
- At least 3 JQuery interactions
- You can try to convey an emotion, or encorperate some of your artwork. Have fun with it.
My Favorite Internet 8
Week 11 - April 19
In Class
More Fun with JQuery
For Next Class
Make an Order Form
- Follow the instructions in the slide to make a one-page website.
- Choose a thing or service that you'd like to offer (ex. flowers, puppies, cookies, singing telegram)
- The user should have to make choices during the order process (ex. quanity, color, when they want it delivered). Use at least 3 elements from JQuery UI.
- There should be a button to submit the order and something that happens when the button is pressed that let's them know the order was successful.
- Design the website so the style is appropriate to what you are offering. Use images, color, fonts, etc. Most importantly, think about the interaction design.
My Favorite Internet 9
Week 12 - April 26
In Class
Intro to P5.js - variables, functions, and if statements
For Next Class
Create a sketch with p5.js.
- Explore the library and try out new code. There are lots of complex examples, but for this assignment, it is more important to turn in code that works and that you can understand.
- Examples on
- Examples on Behance
My Favorite Internet 10
Week 13 - May 3
In Class
Intro to P5.js - creating animation with loops, reviewing basics
Overview of Final Project
For Next Class
Begin work on your Final Project
You have two weeks to create a polished project using p5.js. This project is worth 30 points. You may choose to make a musical interface, a simple game, or a digital art piece, but it must be interactive.
Visual Design - 10 Points
- Design is cohesive and consistent
- Concept is well-developed and shows creativity
- Design is well-executed, and attention to detail is apparent
Interaction Design - 10 Points
- Interaction is apparent or discoverable
- Project is easy to use and enjoyable
- Visual design contributes to the usability, and does not distract from functionality
Coding - 10 Points
- Code is written clearly, with comments and proper indentation
- Code works
You are not required to turn in a MFI this week. If you do decide to turn one in, it will replace a late or missing MFI grade. You should have 10 total.
Week 14 - May 10
In Class
One-on-one meetings before finals are due
For Next Class
Work on Final Project
Week 15 - May 17
In Class
10 minute presentations